Beyond the Bachelor's Degree: Supporting First-Generation Students Through Gradaute School and Beyond
Presented by Rebecca Stallworth and Danielle Maurici-Pollock
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
First-generation students (FGS) are a growing, but understudied and underserved group in academia. FGS may face challenges when it comes to navigating systems that assume prior knowledge of academic jargon, structures, and environments. The study of FGS has increased in library and information science, often focusing on undergraduate FGS through targeted outreach, services, and programs. The presenters' research shows that challenges for first-generation students exist not only for undergraduates but persist for those pursuing advanced degrees. Substantially less is known about the needs of graduate FGS, either as academic library users or as students in an LIS graduate program. In this session, participants will gain a better understanding of who FGS are, how academic libraries and LIS programs can support FGS throughout their entire academic careers, and the current challenges and opportunities for researchers interested in studying this population.
Reflections on Reality Hitting Home: Academic Impact of Database Cancellations Two Years Later
Presented by Gretchen Gould
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Session Materials: Slides, (Due to technical difficulties, there is no recording for this webinar.)
In the spring of 2022, librarians at the University of Northern Iowa had to deselect $300,000 in databases. This presentation covered the process the librarians went through on which databases to deselect and reflects on the academic impacts of losing those databases two years later, and what they could do different next time if, and when, they must cancel more databases. Gretchen Gould is the Collections Coordinator and a Collection Strategist Librarian at the University of Northern Iowa.
Responsibly Implementing AI in Libraries and Archives: Introducing a Decision-Making Tool for Practitioners
Presented by Sara Mannheimer and Yasmeen Shorish
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In response to growing concerns about the role of AI in libraries and archives, the IMLS-funded Responsible AI in Libraries project created a prototype tool that aimes to guide practitioners through responsible implementation of AI. During this webinar, members of the project team discussed research results and introduced the prototype Responsible AI tool. The final version of the tool will be released in 2025.
Counteracting Health Misinformation and Supporting Climate Resilience: The Work of a Public and Academic Partnership in San Diego County, CA
Presented by Oscar Gittemeier and Margaret Henderson
Wednesday, September 24, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
On August 31, 2021, the San Diego County, California Board of Supervisors declared health misinformation a public health crisis. Immediately, the San Diego Circuit Libraries, a consortium of 6 public and academic libraries in San Diego County, collaborated to develop programming in support of the county’s campaign. Join us to hear about this partnership’s outreach which, to date, includes co-hosting community author talks, developing a comprehensive Health Information Guide; building a resource guide focused on advancing climate resilience, sustainability, and environmental justice; and facilitating enrollment opportunities into the University of California, San Diego’s All of Us [Health] Research Program. In addition, the presenters will share how they utilize a logic model to make data driven decisions and demonstrate the impact of their programs with free survey software.
Three Must-Have Activities for New Employee Training
Presented by Casey Wallace and Alex Olsen
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Handouts
In this webinar, attendees learned about designing intentional training plans by using activities that engage both existing stakeholders and new talent. The information covered in this webinar is useful to anyone considering refreshing or building a training program for new employees.
BookTube, Bookstagram, and BookTok, Oh My: Understanding the Online “Bookaverse” as Tools for Professional Development
Presented by Tara Gold
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Handout
In this session, participants learn how to engage with bookish social media spaces as sources for professional development. This presentation covers different social media platforms and their respective bookish subspaces: Bookstagram, Booktube, and BookTok. Participants are guided through setting a purpose for their participation in social media spaces in the Bookaverse, developing goals and a strategy for participation, while also learning language to articulate the value of participating in the Bookaverse for yearly evaluations and professional development plans.
Fundraising Basics: How to Prioritize Efforts to Maximize Success
Presented by Rachel Heine
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Philanthropy expert Rachel Heine provides basic information for anyone getting started in fundraising. With 20 years of fundraising experience in a variety of industries, Rachel provides guidance on fundraising efforts that have the biggest return on investment based on library surveys, experience, and proven success. This session will provide you with a road map to successful fundraising that you can manage, no matter your team’s size.
A Higher Purpose: Censorship and Intellectual Freedom Today
Presented by Peter Coyl
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar discussed some of the motivations behind censorship and book banning in America, the impact of moral belief and organized thinking on efforts to remove materials from schools and public libraries, as well as historic examples of tactics being used today. This webinar examined the difficulties in having conversations from two very drastic viewpoints and obstacles to reach a common understanding. Participants gained a better understanding of the historic underpinnings of today’s attacks on materials related to the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC experiences.
Building Inclusive Online Tutorials
Presented by Abigail Mann
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Resources
Abigail Mann, the Digital Scholarship Librarian at Illinois Wesleyan University, presents on developing tutorials that are inclusive for more library users. Drawing on Universal Design for Learning and best practice for inclusive teaching, Abby provides examples of how she has developed short tutorials that welcome students and affirm that they belong as students and researchers. Topics covered include diverse visual cues, multimodal approaches, and gender inclusive language.
Connecting with Teens Using Discord
Presented by Cassie Leclair-Marzolf and Mieke Nielson
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Discord Book Clubs (handout), Discord Primer (handout)
Presenters Cassie Leclair-Marzolf and Mieke Nielson share what they’ve learned from using Discord to connect with teens in their public library system. This webinar includes information on what Discord is, some of Discord’s capabilities, programs held through Discord by the Salt Lake County Public Library, and recommendations for setting up and maintaining your own Discord server for teens. The presenters have also provided two handouts, one with information on Discord and one focusing on Discord book club programming ideas.
E-Resource Assessment: Flexible, Transparent, and Sustainable Strategies
Presented by Taylor Ralph
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Taylor Ralph discussed strategies for implementing a flexible, transparent, and sustainable e-resource collection assessment plan. Considering the ever-changing scholarly communication landscape, tight collections budgets, and limited staff time, efficient ways to capture and convey data are important. Whether starting from scratch or tweaking existing procedures, this webinar explored the considerations for implementing a successful plan.
The “Butterfly Effect” – Cascading Compassion Satisfaction in Library Land
Presented by Kay Coates
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Session Materials: Slides, (Due to technical difficulties there is no recording available for this webinar.)
Kay Coates explores the concept of compassion satisfaction in library work. The webinar discusses how compassion satisfaction can be a source of meaning and satisfaction for library practitioners, as well as how it can help to mitigate the effects of professional stress and representation burnout. The webinar also examines the interplay of empathetic helping, professional stress, and representation burnout, and how these factors can impact the helping exchange transaction in library work.
PeMento and the Power of Peer Mentoring
Presented by Ashley Krenelka Chase, Rachel Flemming, Lindsay Cronk, and Maurini Strub
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
PeMento is an innovative creative initiative designed to empower mid-career library workers through peer mentoring and problem-solving, fostering a unique professional network. Disconnected from associations or organizations, PeMento aims to connect librarians globally, providing reflection, direction, and connection for a novel professional development experience. The program aspires to establish a more resilient, open, kind, and brave professional network, seeking to redefine the profession. The co-founders elaborate on the program’s growth, implementation, and outcomes while emphasizing the significance of peer mentoring for modern professionals.
Blindsided at Work: One Strike and You’re Out
Presented by Elaina Norlin
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Elaina Norlin explores a topic we rarely talk about in the workplace…how written and unwritten policies are weaponized to marginalize, penalize and push people out the door. In some cases, this is a favorable course of action, but in many instances these actions have long-term consequences that erode staff morale, trust, and positive engagement.
Elaina Norlin is the Professional Development DEI Coordinator for the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries.
Promoting Equity in Information Literacy Instruction Through Universal Design for Learning
Presented by Kristina Clement
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
To make information literacy instruction accessible to our users, it is important to practice inclusive and equitable pedagogy wherever possible. One effective and manageable way is by incorporating the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into one-shots, learning objects, asynchronous instruction, embedded instruction, general presentation skills, and more. This webinar outlines the principles of UDL and demonstrates how to translate them into tangible options for equitable information literacy instruction in a variety of modalities.
Kristina Clement, MA, MSIS is the Student Outreach and Sponsored Programs Librarian and Librarian Assistant Professor for the Kennesaw State University Library System and is the Editor-in-Chief and co-founder of the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education.
Teaching and Assessment of Metacognition
Presented by Erin McCoy
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Metacognition is often an invisible by-product of information literacy. The active reflection and evaluation of what is being learned directly impacts how information literacy skills are understood and applied. This presentation is the result of a research inquiry examining
the relationship between metacognition and information literacy. We will discuss how the concept of metacognition intersects with information literacy, why making that connection explicit is essential to the library’s mission, and how we as librarians can incorporate specific
metacognitive strategies into the library classroom.
Erin McCoy is the Coordinator of Library Services at Massasoit Community College in Brockton, Massachusetts. Throughout the years, Erin has enjoyed combining her love of teaching and her natural curiosity to help students find what they need at any point in the research cycle that brings them to the library. She recently finished a Master’s degree from UMASS Boston in Critical and Creative Thinking, which allowed her to explore the intersections of information literacy in a variety of practical applications.
Self-Learning in an Electronic Resources Librarian Role
Presented by Chris Vidas & Eve Stano,
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Managing electronic resources at an academic library is a daunting task, even for librarians with extensive experience in that role. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for e-resources librarians to lack training, staff support, and adequately documented workflows. How do you identify learning opportunities? Where do you turn for support? We can help get you started. Join two electronic resources librarians who will discuss how to overcome self-directed learning hurdles, introduce the basics of electronic resources management, and offer suggestions about where to go for information and resources that can help you immediately and as you progress in your new role.
Chris Vidas has been the Electronic Resources Librarian at Clemson University since 2018. He also currently serves as the Interim Head of Acquisitions, a title he has held since summer 2021. Eve Stano is the Collections Development and Electronic Resources Librarian at Ball State University in Indiana.
The Candy Corn Question: Passive Programming That Pulls People In
Presented by Andria L. Amaral and Paula Willey
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Libraries that use passive programming appreciate it as an economical, time-efficient way to engage customers. It can also be an inclusive way to show people of all abilities and backgrounds that they belong in the library – and that the library belongs to them. Andria L. Amaral and Paula Willey, will talk about passive programming that reaches out. They’ll discuss the specific challenges of service to young people, and the delightful solutions each has come up with. You’ll learn how to shoehorn passive programs into the most crowded of library spaces – and even how to use passive programming outside the library to pull people in.
Paula Willey is the Senior Manager of Collection & Project Development at First Book, a literacy nonprofit based in Washington DC. Andria L. Amaral has spent over 20 years planning and developing public library programs, collections, and services for students in grades 6-12. She has provided professional development workshops and moderated panels at library and education conferences including PLA and NCTE, has been a guest lecturer to MLIS students at the University of South Carolina and YA Literature students at the College of Charleston, and serves on the board of the YALLFest young adult literature festival.
Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment: The Academic Library’s Role in Helping First-Generation College Students Succeed
Presented by Liya Deng
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar discusses the effectiveness of a targeted library support program as a means to enhance the learning experience of FGS at a medium-sized academic library. It highlights ways to provide FGS with customized library assistance that focuses on a series of pre-designed information literacy modules, a format that allows FGS to select literacy concepts of interest to them and explore those in-depth during individual research consultation appointments with the librarian. The results of program assessment done through a pre- and post-consultation survey will also be shared. Overall, the audience can expect to learn how academic libraries can channel their resources to facilitate FGS transition to, and success in, college by expanding the scope of services traditionally available to them.
Liya Deng is the Social Sciences Librarian and Associate Professor at Eastern Washington University Libraries.
Analyzing Virtual Reference Data to Improve Services: Practical Methods and Strategies
Presented by Sheeji Kathuria
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
We all gather quantitative and qualitative data in our virtual reference services, but does anyone look at them? More importantly, how can such analysis improve the quality of service for our patrons? The presenters will provide an overview of library assessment projects that have analyzed different types of virtual reference data to train staff, increase engagement, and improve services. Attendees will be empowered to use their data to better understand their patron needs and make changes to public services for the better.
Sheeji Kathuria is the Instruction & Honors College Librarian for Perimeter College and the Assessment Coordinator at Georgia State University Library.
Am I Doing This Right? Advice for First Time Managers
Presented by Kaya Burgin and Sondra Presley
Friday, June 22, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Becoming a manager is an exciting but also daunting transition. As first-time managers, we are faced with many new opportunities which may seem more like challenges, especially if we are new to the library system, have recently received a promotion, or struggle with imposter syndrome. In this webinar we will discuss strengths-based leadership, how and what to delegate, strategies for self-care, time management tips, and more.
Kaya Burgin is the Branch Manager at Avondale Branch Library of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library. Sondra Presley is Senior Branch Manager of the Price Hill Branch Library at the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources
Presented by David Comeaux, Ruth Connell, & Lisa Wallis
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
During the spring of 2020, libraries around the world closed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. What impact did that have on the use of library resources in academic libraries? Three librarians representing large, medium, and small institutions, both public and private, explore metrics across areas such as interlibrary loan, website hits, discovery tool and database usage, and patron interactions. Using pre-pandemic usage as a baseline, we discover some common trends among our libraries.
David Comeaux ( is Systems and Discovery Librarian at Louisiana State University. Ruth Sara Connell ( is Professor of Library Science & Director of Systems at Valparaiso University. Lisa C. Wallis ( is Associate Dean of Libraries and eResources & Systems Librarian at Northeastern Illinois University.
Making Your Library’s Accessible Resources More Discoverable
Presented by Violet Fox and David Norris
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar focuses on options for recording information about accessible resources in your library and discusses strategies for convincing vendors to display this vital information.
Violet Fox is a cataloging and metadata expert whose research interests include the intricacies of zine cataloging and the ethical implications of classification.
David Norris is a cataloging and metadata librarian at St. Catherine University. His research interests include accessibility issues in cataloging and the information seeking experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals.
Creating Safe and Inclusive Spacing for 2SLGBTQIA+ Youth in Public and School Libraries
Presented by Christopher Knapp
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar focuses on the process and benefits of creating safe and inclusive spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in public and school libraries.
Christopher Knapp is a Youth Community Engagement Librarian with the Prince George Public Library in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.
Suffering is Optional, but Not Required
Presented by Jessie Copeland and Jeff Mortimore
Wednesday, December 8, 2021 (Prerecorded)
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
For technical services librarians starting out or transitioning to an academic library, promotion and tenure (P&T) can appear daunting, if not insurmountable. Jeff and Jessie will share their experiences navigating this process at institutions with uniquely different requirements. They will share strategies for how to get started as a new technical services librarian, including how to build your teaching, scholarship, and service portfolio for promotion and tenure.
Jessie Copeland is Director of Resource Services at Emory University and Jeff Mortimore is Interim Head of Collection Services and Discovery Services Librarian at Georgia Southern University.
This session was cohosted by the Technical Services Interest Group of the Georgia Library Association.
Even More Open: Inclusive Design in Open Educational Resources
Presented by Jeff Gallant
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Since the inception of Affordable Learning Georgia in 2014, accessibility has been a priority within the creation and sharing of open educational resources (OER). However, the world’s definitions of disability and accessibility have changed since then: open resources should meet a diverse range of learners where they are, with our design matching their interaction needs. Jeff Gallant, Program Director of Affordable Learning Georgia, will demonstrate new methods in inclusive design, from things you can do yourself within Microsoft Word to ALG’s new inclusive web-based platform for open textbooks, OpenALG.
Jeff Gallant is the Program Director of Affordable Learning Georgia, an initiative of GALILEO and the University System of Georgia. He directs the implementation of strategies and activities identified for increasing course materials affordability within the USG. These strategies include grant programs, pilots, partnerships and collaborative projects, data collection and analysis, and website and repository management. Jeff often represents Affordable Learning Georgia externally at meetings, conferences, and site visits, and he has served as a mentor in the SPARC Open Education Leadership program since its inception.
Autism in Libraries
Presented by Lara Nesselroad
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In recent years, autism has been more broadly defined than it previously had been, and we now understand autism to be an issue of overstimulated nerves — a problem which may be moderate or extreme and which is associated with ADHD, OCD, and other nerve-and-brain differences – which means the autistic person responds differently than the allistic one. Because of more comprehensive support in the schools, more autistic students are attending college and entering the workforce. As a result, their presence in higher ed and in the broader community is growing, in numbers or in visibility or both, and that means we are seeing more people with autism in libraries. This presentation focuses on some of the ways in which autistic users’ communication and study needs are different from those of allistic users, and what you might need to know in your interactions with them as library users or as employees. We’ll talk about hypersensitivities and how they shape behavior and about different perceptions regarding ambiguities, as well as some things you might want to know about social interaction with autistic users.
Lara Nesselroad has worked for the University of Oregon Libraries for over 30 years, entirely in user-facing roles. She currently oversees three branches and a primary service point, supervising seven permanent staff and 50-60 students. She is interested in all kinds of inclusion, which to her means making sure that the spaces she oversees are welcoming to all students including nontraditional, autistic, of all shapes and sizes, non-binary, unhoused, and blind or visually impaired students. That’s not an exhaustive list; it’s just the first six examples she thought of today. Out of the library, Lara teaches group exercise, staffs cold-weather shelters for homeless residents, and spoils the disruptive cat who lives in her house; most likely as you read this she is wearing a nerdy t-shirt and/or discussing popular science fiction media with one of her adult children.
Keeping Our Sanity During Change
Presented by Catherine Soehner
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Discover your power in the organization, and where you do and do not have control. Learn about giving feedback to your supervisor to influence a change process and how you can get better results. Consider how people in organizations typically respond to change, how you respond to change, and how this affects the overall library. Think about expectations around the terms “transparency” and “feedback” when applied to change. Apply this new knowledge to help change interpersonal dynamics within your organization.
Catherine Soehner, MLS, BSN, is the Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah.
The Six-Week [Assessment] Project: How to Get from Ideas to Results in a Hurry
Presented by Topher Lawton
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3
Through the lens of a six-week project, this webinar will offer tactics and materials for short-term project management. Over the course of six weeks in early 2019, the Georgetown library developed best practices, an assessment rubric, and an internal communications plan to update their approach to online chat service. This webinar highlights their approach, including the project plan, calendar, and project response/next steps.
Topher Lawton is a project manager, technologist, and librarian based in Washington, DC.
Research is Not a Basic Skill: Using the Contextual Nature of Research to Transform Information Literacy Instruction
Presented by Allison Hosier
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this presentation, learn about a new model of information literacy instruction that teaches the contextual nature of research by treating research as a subject of study rather than a set of basic skills. Allison Hosier is an Information Literacy Librarian at the University at Albany, SUNY.
Sonic Literacy: A Manifesto for Libraries in the Age of Podcasts
Presented by Charlie Bennett
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this webinar one librarian podcaster shares recommendations and strategies for libraries to engage podcasting as a part of information literacy, our collections, and our connections to patrons.
Charlie Bennett is a librarian at the Georgia Tech Library. He co-hosts the “research-library rock’n’roll radio show” called Lost in the Stacks on WREK Atlanta and the media podcast Supercontext with Christian Sager.
We Stories: Diversity in Children’s Literature at the Library
Presented by Kristen Sorth and Eric Button
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This program talks about St. Louis County Library partnership with a local organization that aimed at addressing race and diversity issues in children’s literature.
Kristen Sorth is St. Louis County Library’s first female director. Eric Button is currently Deputy Director at St. Louis County Library (SLCL).
**Minor sound issues at the beginning of the recording due to the presenters’ technical difficulties.
3D IL: Providing Information Literacy Learning Opportunities for Distance Learners Across Time, Space and Mode
Presented by Dana Longley
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar highlights services and programs for distance learners, including a self-assessment during orientation; live, hands-on, online workshops; self-paced micro-courses, and the everyday work of collaborating with faculty and instructional designers to embed support materials into courses.
Dana Longley is Assistant Director for Library Instruction and Information Literacy at State University of New York (SUNY), Empire State College.
Censorship Beyond Books: Library Resources and Services Under Fire
Presented by Kristin Pekoll
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This program covers types of censoring that happen in libraries that don’t include books.
Kristin Pekoll is Assistant Director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF).
Picture This: Using Instagram to Connect With and Engage Your Users
Presented by Meghan Kowalski
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2
Instagram is a great way to both showcase your library’s story and engage your users. This session shows how to make the best use of your Instagram account through mobile photography tips, content ideas, and special projects that bring your online content into your library.
Meghan Kowalski is the Outreach and Reference Librarian at the University of the District of Columbia.
From Silo to Hub: Seizing Opportunities to Drive Change
Presented by Ashley Creek
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This session shares lessons learned while partnering with faculty to develop active learning resources, training opportunities, and a circulating technology collection, undergoing major transitions in the vision of the library on campus, and navigating physical and organizational changes.
Ashley Creek is currently the Director of the Keleher Learning Commons at the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas.
Online Security is More Than Just Passwords
Presented by Denise A. Garofalo
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This session discusses basic cybersecurity tips for passwords and emails, the need for online authentication and how to best handle online security issues.
Denise A. Garofalo is Associate Librarian for Systems and Catalog Services at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY.
From Print to Digital And Back Again: Three Decades of Lessons from a Library Newsletter
Presented by Rachel Evans
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Handout
This session shares the many lessons learned over the years of publishing the UGA Law Library’s longstanding newsletter Amicus Briefs both in print and electronically. It also shares current tools used for online and print publication, as well as assessing readership including Drupal, WordPress, MailChimp, Google Analytics and DataStudio, Piktochart, iTunes, YouTube, Feedburner, and Digital Commons.
Rachel Evans is currently the Metadata Services Librarian at UGA’s Alexander Campbell King Law Library, and for the past six years served as the Web Coordinator and Digital Media Specialist for the Law Library’s Information Technology department.
Flipped Classroom: Turning Traditional Library Programs Upside Down
Presented by Atlas Logan and Yuliya Hadzhieva
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Representatives from Gwinnett County (GA) and Atlanta-Fulton County (GA) Public Libraries discuss and demonstrate techniques for using the flipped classroom model of educational programming.
Atlas Logan serves as the branch manager of the Hamilton Mill Branch of the Gwinnett County Public Library. Yuliya Hadzhieva works for the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System and is a passionate advocate for diversity, literacy, and community engagement.
Double Trouble: Two Approaches to Information Literacy Instruction
Presented by Amber Loos, Kimberly Boyd, and Amanda Roper
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides Part I, Slides Part II
The first part of this two-part webinar highlights the development of a “digital wellness” program within one academic library’s existing framework of educational offerings (Southern Illinois University Carbondale). In the second part, two Brenau University librarians discuss creating Zombies in the Library Game to engage student learners through gamification.
Amber Loos is the Assessment and User Experience Librarian at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Kimberly Boyd is the Head of Research & Instruction at Brenau University’s Trustee Library. Amanda Roper is the Resource Sharing and Library Communications Specialist at Brenau University in Gainesville, Georgia.
Academic Librarians and Low Morale Development
Presented by Kaetrena Davis Kendrick
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this webinar Kaetrena Kendrick discusses her 2017 study that reveals that the traditional causes of low morale are a small piece of a much larger and concerning puzzle in academic library environments, with far-reaching implications for employee retention, library development, and professional development in higher education.
Kaetrena Davis Kendrick is currently Associate Librarian and Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina Lancaster.
Experimenting with Controlled Vocabulary: Using the Cataloging Lab to Shape LCSH
Presented by Violet Fox
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar provided a crash course in the process of submitting LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings) proposals as well as introduced the Cataloging Lab, a wiki where anyone can collaborate to suggest headings additions or revisions. Anyone who is interested in making our shared vocabulary more responsive to users’ needs is welcome!
Violet Fox is a cataloging and metadata expert residing in central Minnesota.
Engaging Students Through Images: Visual Literacy as Active Learning in Library Instruction
Presented by Raymond Pun
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this webinar, the presenter shared ways to integrate images to enhance student engagement and learning. From using politically charged images to fake images, these active learning techniques can support critical thinking skills and research processes through visual literacy.
Raymond Pun is the first year student success librarian at Fresno State University.
Sustainable Connected Learning for Youth
Presented by Megan Barrett and Rebecca Ranallo
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Learn how the connected learning model has been implemented at Cuyahoga County Public Library’s 27 branches and how you can implement similar programming in your library.
Megan Barrett is the Information & Technology Literacy Specialist for the Cuyahoga County Public Library. Rebecca Ranallo is the Information & Technology Literacy Manager for the Cuyahoga County Public Library
From Information Literate to Information Fluent: The Role of Libraries in Preparing 21st Century Citizens
Presented by Alan Bearman
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Librarians are increasingly important in helping students to move beyond the skills of information literacy and become information fluent in order to successfully navigate the knowledge economy. In this session, Dr. Alan Bearman discusses how, with the help of a Lyrasis Catalyst Grant, the Washburn University librarians are collaborating with other regional librarians to develop a culture of Information Fluency in their service region.
Dr. Alan Bearman is a Professor in the History of Christianity and Early American History at Washburn University where he is also the founding Dean of the combined University Libraries and the Center for Student Success and Retention.
Past the Language Barrier: Improving Communication Skills with Patrons Learning English as a Second Language
Presented by Mary Lou McCloskey
December 6, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Whether you are an academic librarian, school librarian, or public librarian, it is likely that you encounter individuals who are in the process of learning English. Despite the desire to help, many librarians are uncertain how to effectively communicate with these individuals. In this session you will learn how to adapt your speech to be comprehensible, check for comprehension, and make adjustments if you are not being understood. In addition, this webinar covers how to effectively use translation tools, work with a translator, and adapt reading resources for accessibility to English learners. Mary Lou McCloskey is a consultant, educator, and author who specializes in improving services and learning opportunities in English for speakers of other languages.
More Than an Editing Party: Why and How You Should Organize a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon
Presented by Emily Jack, Kristan Shawgo, Therese Triumph, Alice Whiteside
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this session, four University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill librarians discussed the Wikipedia edit-a-thon program at UNC-Chapel Hill, focusing on event outcomes, addressing the benefits and challenges of hosting an edit-a-thon, and sharing tips, advice, and step-by-step resources for librarians considering their own involvement in Wikipedia.
Emily Jack is the Community Engagement Librarian. Kristan Shawgo is a Social Sciences Librarian. Therese Triumph is a Science Liaison Librarian. Alice Whiteside is the Head of the Sloane Art Library.
Censorship: It’s Not Just For Books!
Presented by Martin Garnar
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
When you hear about censorship in libraries, you may automatically wonder what YA book is under attack this time. However, many of the challenges to intellectual freedom we’re facing go well beyond books. Online resources, speakers and events, programs, and other library initiatives are also coming under fire, and those of us in libraries may not always agree on what should be defended. This program discussed today’s threats to intellectual freedom and what librarians can do to stand up for free expression.
Martin Garnar is the dean of the Kraemer Family Library at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
Effective and Valuable Outreach: Aligning Activities to Goal-Driven Assessment
Presented by Kristen Mastel and Shannon Farrell
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2
The webinar covers writing SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) outreach goals that are tied to your institutional mission and applying various assessment techniques to evaluate if your goals are being met. Assessment techniques address various factors, including amount of time and/or funding required, amount of staffing involved, and type of data produced (qualitative or quantitative). Attendees learned about the limitations of each assessment method. Participants were asked to share their previous experience with goal-writing and assessment of outreach and worked through case studies that illustrated a particular scenario with concrete goals and ways to accurately assess the identified outreach activity. Attendees were provided with materials to bring back to their institution to apply what they learned using a previous or upcoming local outreach event.
Kristen Mastel is an outreach and instruction librarian at the University of Minnesota. Shannon Farrell is the Natural Resources Librarian at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.
Movin’ on Up: Advancing into Academic Library Middle Management
Presented by Megan Hodgee and Nicole Spoor
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar presents the findings of a qualitative study consisting of interviews with academic librarians who have served on hiring committees for middle-management positions, and with public services librarians who have recently made the transition from the front lines to their first supervisory position; and an analysis of the preferred and required qualifications in job ads for middle-management public services positions in academic libraries from the last five years. The presenters use these results to provide guidance on the steps frontline academic librarians can take in order to successfully translate their abilities, knowledge, and skills into their first supervisory position.
Megan Hodgee is a Teaching & Learning Librarian at Virginia Commonwealth University. Nicole Spoor is the Business Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Seeing the Big Picture: Using Images to Understand Students’ Approaches to the Research Process
Presented by Ann Medaille and Molly Beisler
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Images can provide a valuable method of understanding user behavior. This presentation describes a project at the University of Nevada, Reno, where librarians asked students from different majors and levels to draw their processes of executing research assignments. Librarians used this visual data in combination with written responses and oral interviews to arrive at a more thorough understanding of the student research process. The presenters discussed the results and implications of this assessment and covered ways that different types of images can be used in assessment projects, tips for coding and interpreting images, and other concerns that often arise with the use of visual materials.
Ann Medaille is Director of Research Services and the Liaison Librarian Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. Molly Beisler is Head of Discovery Services at the University of Nevada, Reno.
I Kanban, Can You? A Librarian’s Introduction to KanbanFlow
Presented by Rachel Evans
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides | Handout
This session introduced the concept of Kanban (Japanese for “sign” or “billboard”), an important tool utilized by software development teams, marketing units, human resource offices, people in strategy and leadership, and for organizing personal tasks and achieving goals.
This session also introduced KanbanFlow, a free online project management tool that digitizes the Kanban method. This tool supports real-time collaboration between team members and weaves in the Pomodoro method of time-tracking. A live demo of KanbanFlow, its various features, and real-life examples of how it can be used in a library setting was included to help illustrate the usefulness of this method and tool for librarians.
Rachel Evans is a web coordinator and digital media specialist at the University of Georgia Alexander Campbell King Law Library.
Getting Started in Scholarship: A Scholarly Publishing Primer for Librarians
Presented by Sarah Steiner
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2
This session addressed various aspects of academic publishing: getting started, selecting a topic, selecting a research methodology, organizing a literature review, finding an appropriate place to publish, and handling suggestions and rejection from editors.
Sarah Steiner is the Head of Research & Instruction Services at Western Carolina University in North Carolina and serves on the editorial board of College & Research Libraries.
From Fear to Trust in the Library Organization
Presented by Steve Burton and Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Every organization deals with situations related to trust and fear. However, some organizations are more open about these issues, while others are in deep denial. This presentation discussed the trust issues encountered by the Kennesaw State University and Southern Polytechnic State University consolidation. Highlighting research by Deming and Covey, the webinar also covered library work place examples, including consolidation and dealing with the new compliance regulations.
Steve Burton serves as an Assistant Professor of Library Science at the Kennesaw State University Library System. Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui, is the Associate Dean for the Library System at Kennesaw State University.
Getting Started with Assessing Student Retention
Presented by Mary O’Kelly
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
It’s easy to collect data about our libraries. It’s a lot harder to interpret the data in a way that tells a compelling story. At the 2015 Southeastern Library Assessment Conference presenter Mary O’Kelly shared exciting new data showing a statistically significant positive relationship between library instruction and student retention. This webinar focused on a detailed, replicable process for not only collecting data but also using it to answer some pretty important questions about your library services. Mary O’Kelly — who works at an academic library without a dedicated assessment librarian — shared the process and methods used at her institution, including tips on building a culture of assessment when assessment is distributed across multiple departments.
Mary O’Kelly is an associate librarian and head of instructional services at Grand Valley State University.
Maximizing Outreach Without Maxing Out: No-to-Low Cost Ways of Getting Your Library’s Message Out There
Presented by Amanda Roper and John Mack Freeman
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, List of Links
Almost every library considers marketing and outreach a priority, but too often staffing or budget constraints cut these efforts off at the knees. Join us for a webinar to discuss some of our successful no-to-low cost outreach and marketing efforts from both academic and public libraries. This webinar will cover how to select what to focus on, options you can try, and resources where you can reach out for help. Learn how to take in new ideas and scale them to your library without burning out your staff or maxing out your budget.
Amanda Roper is the Interlibrary Loan and Reserves Specialist (official title) and Marketing and Communication Specialist (unofficial role) at Brenau University in Gainesville, Georgia. John Mack Freeman is the Marketing and Programming Coordinator at the West Georgia Regional Library.
Integrated Assessment for Informed Collection Management: A Review of the Pilot Year
Presented by Ana Guimaraes and Michael Luther
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This webinar discussed a pilot implementation of a Collection Assessment Plan by the Kennesaw State University Library System. The KSU Library plan spans multiple library departments and integrates into operational workflows. Project contributors include Undergraduate Faculty Liaisons and Graduate Librarians as well as professional, paraprofessional, and student employees from Access Services, Technical Services, and Interlibrary Loan.
Ana Guimaraes is the Head of Collection Development for the Kennesaw State University Library System. Michael Luther serves as Assessment Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Science at the Kennesaw State University Library System.
ATL Logo Maps: Using Archival Resources to Visualize History
Presented by Brennan Collins and Joe Hurley
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides project, a collaboration between Georgia State University and Emory University, combines archival maps, geospatial data visualization, and user contributed multimedia location pinpoints to promote investigation into any number of issues about Atlanta. While currently focused on one city to demonstrate the power of stacking thousands of layers of information on one place, this innovative online platform will eventually allow users to layer an increasing number of interdisciplinary data to address the complex issues that any city poses. The project looks to offer a framework that incorporates storytelling reliant on geospatial data and for normalizing input across a range of data sets so that material can be cross-compared in novel ways, allowing users to make connections between seemingly unrelated data sources and ask questions that would not be apparent when only looking at one particular project. The ATLmaps also encourages knowledgeable members of the university and local communities to curate data on the site to demonstrate the possibilities for synthesizing material across projects and data types. This webinar provides an overview and demonstration of ATLmaps, explains how the platform came out of two large map digitization projects, faculty development efforts connected to teaching and learning, and several local documentaries. Presenters also discuss roadblocks and successes in the development process-building a geoserver, copyright issues, search functionality, funding, and working across disciplinary and institutional boundaries.
Brennan Collins is the Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at GSU. Joe Hurley is a Data Services and GIS Librarian at Georgia State University.
Emerging Issues in Copyright and Intellectual Property for Public Libraries
Presented by Ben Bryson
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Although it seems to play a background role in the services that public libraries perform, copyright law gives public libraries the legal standing to perform traditional services such as lending books. As public libraries begin to expand these traditional services to embrace digitization and makerspaces, for example, a thorough review of copyright will provide valuable insight into possible issues they may face.This session reviews copyright law, especially where it directly mentions the services that public libraries provide and includes a review of fair use and its relation to copyright.
Ben Bryson has an M.S. in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University and participated in the Spring 2014 cohort of the CopyrightX course offered through Harvard Law School and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Ben currently serves as Assistant Director of the Marshes of Glynn Libraries.
Instructional Design: An Introduction for Librarians
Presented by Karen Viars
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Many librarians find that teaching patrons, colleagues, and other stakeholders is a significant part of their work, regardless of their role in the library. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering where or how to begin, this session is a straightforward introduction to designing, developing, implementing and assessing instruction. We will cover what the discipline of instructional design is, some of the most popular models in the field, and suggestions for applying instructional design inside and outside your library.
After completing a Master’s degree at Georgia State University in Instructional Design and Technology, and starting a career in developing sales training for a Fortune 500 company, Karen Viars completed her library degree at the University of Tennessee. She is currently a Reference and Instruction Librarian at Georgia State University, Perimeter College.
Legislative Update with Georgia’s State Librarian Julie Walker
Presented by Julie Walker and Wendy Cornelisen
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Georgia’s State Librarian Julie Walker will guide us through the top legislative issues impacting Georgia’s libraries in this live Q&A-style conversation, led by Assistant State Librarian Wendy Cornelisen. Topics will include library funding, new public library construction projects, and an overview of the political landscape in Georgia and how it affects our libraries. Advocacy tips and best practices will also be shared.
Julie Walker is the State Librarian for Georgia. In this role she leads the Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and the state agency for Georgia’s public libraries. Previously, she has served as the deputy state librarian, the assistant state librarian for technology, support services and strategic initiatives, and the director of the PINES program. Prior to joining the GPLS team in 2003, Walker was the associate director of the Athens Regional Library System. She is an expert in advocacy, community building, and legislative relations.
Privacy in the Surveillance Age: How Librarians Can Fight Back
Presented by Alison Macrina and April Glaser
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA and FBI dragnet surveillance, many Americans are concerned that their rights to privacy and intellectual freedom are under threat. But librarians are perfectly positioned to help our communities develop strategies to protect themselves against unwanted surveillance. In this webinar, Alison Macrina and April Glaser of the Library Freedom Project will talk about the landscape of surveillance, the work of the LFP, and some tips and tools librarians can use to resist pervasive surveillance in the digital age.
Alison Macrina is a librarian, privacy rights activist, and the founder and director of the Library Freedom Project, an initiative which aims to make real the promise of intellectual freedom in libraries by teaching librarians and their local communities about surveillance threats, privacy rights and law, and privacy-protecting technology tools to help safeguard digital freedoms. April Glaser is a writer and an activist with the Library Freedom Project. She currently works as a mobilization specialist at Greenpeace USA, where she focuses on ending oil extraction in the Arctic.
It Takes Two: Technical Services and Public Services Collaborations
Presented by Erin Leach and Jaleh Fazelian
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this webinar, Jaleh Fazelian (Head of Research, Learning, & Information, John Carroll University) and Erin Leach (Head of Serials Cataloging, University of Georgia) will discuss the unique traits that Technical Services and Public Services librarians bring to collaborative projects. Fazelian and Leach will also share some practical tips for beginning and maintaining collaborative relationships between Technical Services and Public Services. While primarily directed toward academic librarians and administrators, the information in this webinar also applies to librarians in any situation where Technical Services and Public Services are separate functional areas of the library.
Letting the Genie Out of the Bottle: Getting the Most from Your Library’s Relationship with Genealogists
Presented by Randall Gooden
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
A love-hate relationship often exists between libraries and genealogy. Many libraries acknowledge that genealogists account for a sizeable portion of their visitors, but the enthusiasm and expectations of genealogists often place burdens on reference/research and acquisitions staff. How can you better understand genealogists and their needs and draw upon that understanding to benefit your library? This Webinar takes you on a journey toward mutual appreciation and support.
Randall S. Gooden is an associate professor of history at Clayton State University in Morrow. He teaches family history and genealogy at the university and has been an avid genealogist since he was a child. He also shares the perspective of librarians and archivists on genealogy and genealogists as a former assistant curator for the West Virginia and Regional History Collection at West Virginia University, head of the archives and library at Ohio Historical Society’s Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor, and circuit rider archivist for the Georgia Archives.
Open Educational Resources: Librarians as Advocates, Advisors, and Creators
Presented by Mary Ann Cullen
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
College textbooks have gotten so expensive that many students are opting not to buy the textbook at all, but are taking their chances at lower grades or resorting to work-arounds like sharing textbooks, photocopying from classmates, or finding illegal copies. An increasing number of educators are seeking alternatives to traditional texts, including open educational resources (OERs) and library resources. This webinar will introduce you to what OERs are (and aren’t) and how librarians can support this movement as advocates, advisors, and participants in creating OERs. While primarily directed at academic librarians and administrators, the information provided also applies to media specialists and public librarians who work with home schoolers interested in free and low-cost educational resources.
Mary Ann Cullen is the Director of Library Services for Georgia Perimeter College’s Alpharetta Campus and GPC Online. She first became involved with OERs in March 2013 after the college’s president challenged the faculty to find free or low-cost alternatives to traditional textbooks to help reduce costs for students. She participated in identifying, selecting and adapting an OER text for Freshman English, a project currently being expanded. Currently, she is working with science faculty on a project that uses readings from a library database in lieu of a traditional textbook.
Little Old Ladies and Rock Star Librarians: Genderizing the Librarian Stereotype
Presented by Ayanna Gaines
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, (There are no slides for this webinar.)
This webinar is based off of the Ayanna Gaines’ chapter “That’s Women’s Work: Pink-Collar Professions, Gender, and the Librarian Stereotype,” published in the ACRL publication The Librarian Stereotype: Deconstructing Perceptions & Presentations of Information Work. She discusses how the stereotyping of librarianship not only harms the profession with regards to status and pay equity, but is also detrimental to both genders.
Ayanna Gaines is Associate Librarian at Ventura College in Ventura, CA. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English from Brown University in Providence, RI, and her Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from Dominican University in River Forest, IL.
Note: Due to technical problems this webinar only has audio. There are not any slides associated with the webinar.
Engaging with the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy
Presented by Trudi Jacobson and Craig Gibson
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
The co-chairs of the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force will identify the ideas underpinning the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, which creates new opportunities for collaboration on campuses around student engagement with the information ecosystem. The Framework draws on metaliteracy, theories about threshold concepts, and the “backward design” model of Wiggins and McTighe. It promotes knowledge practices and habits of mind as learning goals, and emphasizes the evolving role of the student as creator as well as consumer of knowledge. The presenters will identify principles for instructional design supporting the Framework, as well as assessment methods that address developmental aspects of learning the information literacy concepts and practices comprising the Framework.
Trudi Jacobsen is the Head of the Information Literacy Department at the University at Albany Libraries and Craig Gibson is Professor and Head of the FAES (Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Science) Library at The Ohio State University.
I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own: Information Access and Civil Discourse in the Digital Age
Presented by Brandy Horne
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In this webinar, Brandy Horne will outline different factors that can influence, and even hinder, our ability to access information in a digital environment, and she’ll discuss how the information we do access can ultimately impact our ability to engage in civil discourse. Finally, addressing some possibly conflicting directives from ALA documents, such as the Core Values of Librarianship and the Code of Ethics, she’ll look at how libraries might strike a balance between showing patrons how to find the information they need and helping them to find the information they want.
Brandy Horne works in the Gregg-Graniteville Library at the University of South Carolina Aiken as an Instruction and Reference Librarian, and she is currently the Secretary of the CSRA Library Association. In addition to presenting at the Georgia COMO conference three years in a row, Brandy was a speaker at TEDx Telfair Street in Augusta in 2014.
Got Fandom?: How Mini-Cons Can Transform Libraries and Communities
Presented by Megan Aarant and Natalie Couch
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Handout, Slides, Sample Contracts
Fandoms and libraries go together like Sherlock and Watson. Megan Aarant and Natalie Couch from Chattahoochee Valley Libraries in Columbus, GA will share their best practices on how to tap into the power of fandom to promote multiple literacies and attract customers by hosting a mini-convention at the library. Learn how they took a small, teen centric mini-convention called FanFest and expanded it into an all-ages event that attracted 1,000 customers in just one year. Get creative content ideas for all budget sizes, learn why libraries play an important role in fandoms, and discover how a program like this can transform the image of the library in your customer’s eyes. Megan Aarant is currently in charge of Teen Services as a Library Associate at the South Columbus Public Library. She implemented many successful teen programs, including a new Manga Club, posting some of the highest participation numbers in the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries System.
Natalie Couch started the annual mini-con, FanFest, as a response to Manga Club participant interest in a comic-con when she was a Teen Services Coordinator for Chattahoochee Valley Libraries. Natalie is currently the Branch Manager of the South Columbus Public Library.
Jumping into the Digital Humanities
Presented by Sarah V. Melton
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Sarah V. Melton, Digital Projects Coordinator at the Emory Center for Digital Humanities, will introduce digital humanities (DH) newbies to some of the concepts, tools, and conversations in DH. How are researchers using digital tools in their classrooms and scholarship? What are the possibilities for student research in the digital humanities? How can libraries and librarians support this work? In addition to being heavily involved in open access advocacy, Sarah V. Melton is creating a set of tools to make open access publishing easier and worked with over 20 librarians from historically black colleges and universities to host a summer institute for digital scholarship. While rapidly becoming a digital humanities guru, Sarah is also completing her PhD in American Studies. Her research focuses on the public memory of human rights struggle.
Personal Digital Archiving: A Train the Trainer Webinar
Presented by Oscar Gittemeier, Wendy Hagenmaier, and Michelle Kirk
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, (There are no slides for this webinar.)
The Society of Georgia Archivists, the Atlanta chapter of ARMA International, and the Georgia Library Association present a train-the-trainer session on Personal Digital Archiving. Designed for information professionals from all backgrounds and levels of experience, this session will empower participants to see themselves as archivists of their own digital records and will cover topics ranging from best practices for creating digital records and rights issues in the digital landscape to strategies for storing digital records and emerging developments regarding the digital afterlife. After completing the workshop, attendees will be encouraged to teach the workshop to their users–the public, co-workers, students, etc.–in their own diverse institutional contexts. The end goal of the workshop will thus be to advocate for informational professionals as a source of expertise for assisting individuals (the public, family members, students, corporate employees, etc.) with their personal digital archiving needs.
Oscar Gittenmeier currently works as a Youth Services Librarian with the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System (AFPLS) at the East Atlanta Branch. Wendy Hagenmaier is the Digital Collections Archivist at the Georgia Tech Archives. Michelle Kirk (CRM, IGP, CIP) is currently a Program Manager and eRecords and Information Governance subject matter expert for Iron Mountain Incorporated.
MakerCamp: Partnerships, Polylactic Acid, and Payouts
Presented by Michael Casey and Christopher Baker
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
In the summer of 2014, Gwinnett County Public Library partnered with librarians at Norcross High School to host their inaugural MakerCamp: a 4-day program that allowed high school-age students the opportunity to explore 3D design and 3D printing through innovative and accessible tools and resources. Join Michael Casey and Christopher Baker as they discuss MakerCamp’s development and delivery, and explore the learning opportunities the program offered both students and staff.
Michael Casey is currently the Information Technology Director for the Gwinnett County Public Library in metropolitan Atlanta. Christopher Baker is the Training Manager in charge of Staff Development for Gwinnett County Public Library in Metro Atlanta.
Net Neutrality: Recent Changes in Legislation
Presented by Emily Almond
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
“There is one Internet. It must be fast, robust and it must be open. The prospect of a gate keeper choosing winners and losers on the Internet is unacceptable….” – FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler
The above quote addresses what, until now, has been a given – that with an Internet connection, anyone has access to all information available via an Internet Service Provider. That changed in January 2014 when a major court decision stripped the FCC of its power to enforce network neutrality protections, providing an opening for telecom companies to begin exploiting technologies by monitoring and controlling data sent via their networks. In this webinar co-coordinated with the GLA Governmental Relations Committee, Emily Almond, Director of Information Technology for the Georgia Public Library Service, will explore the implications of the current state of net neutrality.
Emily Almond has been a librarian in the Atlanta area for 17 years. Her specialties include library systems, open-source software development, strategy development, web usability and broadband networks for libraries. She has been a librarian at CNN, Emory University, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and she is currently the Director of IT for the Georgia Public Library Service.
Legal Research for Any Librarian
Presented by Sarah Mauldin and Meg Butler
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides, Annotated Bibliography
If you encounter public patrons who come to the library seeking legal help (for example, how to get social security benefits or pursue a discrimination claim) Sarah Mauldin and Meg Butler will guide you through federal tools and resources that are freely available online. Using Georgia as a case study, Sarah and Meg will demonstrate how the research principles they discuss in a federal context are generalizable to state law. As a bonus, they will explain how to avoid the unauthorized practice of law while assisting library patrons.
Sarah Mauldin is Director of Library Services at Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP in Atlanta, GA, and Meg Butler works and teaches at Georgia State University Law Library in Atlanta, GA.
DIY Video Creation
Presented by Angela Nolet
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Session Materials: Slides, Handout (Unfortunately, Angela’s session was not recorded.)
Library users are increasingly online. Our libraries have the opportunity to reinforce the storytime environment, programs, and library products using video. Learn about cameras, filming, editing tools, and uploading video content to incorporate video into your library’s offerings.
Angela Nolet currently serves as Librarian, Virtual Library Services, for the King County Library System.
Makerspace: Is it Right for Your Library?
Presented by Michael Holt, Marlan Brinkley, Andaiye Reeves, and Charlie Bennett
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Public and academic libraries across the country are forming Makerspaces inside their libraries to provide patrons with the tools needed to innovate and create. In an online panel facilitated by Charlie Bennett (Georgia Institute of Technology), learn how these spaces are being developed in Georgia libraries and discover the types of resources and services they provide. You may even find that you already offer a makerspace environment! Panelists include representatives from three Georgia libraries that already operate a Makerspace: Michael Holt (Valdosta State University), Marlan Brinkley (Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, Sandy Springs Branch), and Andaiye Reeves (Atlanta-Fulton Public Library, Central Branch).
Engaging and Assessing Learners with iPads
Presented by Laurie Griffin
Wednesday, December 3, 2013
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
This session is designed to introduce a variety of applications that can be used with a single iPad or in a one-to-one environment to assess student learning. Learn new and practical ways to engage and encourage even the most reluctant students to participate in the learning process. This session will be applicable to primary school and college/university students.
Laurie Griffin is currently the school library media specialist for Jones County High School & Maggie Califf Learning Complex. Mrs. Griffin has over 17 years of experience in education ranging from elementary to high school. She believes technology, rather than being a replacement for media specialists and educators, is an excellent tool for them to employ.
RDA Has Arrived: Essentials of RDA for Public Services
Presented by Susan Wynne
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
After years of buzz, the Library of Congress implemented the new cataloging standard RDA (Resource Description and Access) on March 31, 2013. Susan Wynne will discuss the major differences between AACR2 practices and RDA, focusing on how RDA affects user displays and navigation in local catalogs, WorldCat, and elsewhere. What is RDA and why should I care? RDA is part of the ongoing transformation of library data with an objective of responsiveness to user needs.
Susan Wynne has been the Cataloging & Metadata Librarian at Georgia State University since February 2012. She previously held positions at the University of Wyoming and Columbus State University.
Student Advisors, Library Advocates: Getting Students Involved at Your Library
Presented by Amy Deuink and Marianne Seiler
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
What is a library student advisory board and why does your library need one? Deuink and Seiler will share their vision for library student advisory boards–one that empowers the student voice and builds students into library advocates–and talk about the work of their clubs and the clubs’ impact on the library and the campus.
Amy Deuink is an Associate Librarian at Penn State’s Altoona campus and co-author of The Library Student Advisory Board: Why Your Academic Library Needs It and How to Make It Work. Marianne Seiler is an Information Resources & Services Support Specialist at Penn State Schuylkill’s Ciletti Memorial Library. She is the Library Student Advisory Board (LSAB) Advisor and co-author of The Library Student Advisory Board.
Building a Research Commons in a University Library: Connecting Scholars with Technology, Expertise, and Each Other
Presented by Stewart Varner
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Emory’s Robert W. Woodruff Library opened the Research Commons in the Fall of 2011. The 5,000 square foot space is dedicated to graduate students and faculty who are engaged in collaborative scholarly work which takes advantage of digital technology. This presentation will focus on the mission, the space, and the way the Research Commons takes advantage of its place in the library: the Research Commons provides neutral space where interdisciplinary groups of scholars can work collaboratively.
Stewart Varner is the Digital Scholarship Coordinator at Emory University’s Robert W. Woodruff Library. He manages the team of the Digital Scholarship Commons who help scholars incorporate technology and library resources into their research. Stewart earned his Ph.D. in American Studies at Emory and his MLIS degree from the University of North Texas.
Designing Interactive Library Spaces
Presented by Brian Pichman
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
What does it mean to Evolve? Why do Libraries need to Evolve? Through this webinar, Brian Pichman of the Evolve Project will discuss the importance of redesigning library spaces to make them more interactive and collaborative. The Evolve Project is a collaborative platform that aims to change the way people see libraries through the injection of technology that fosters collaboration and exploration. These technologies include laser tag, Sphero Balls, Sifteo Cubes, interactive Legos, and so much more! Learn techniques for how to innovate.
Brian Pichman runs the Evolve Project, an initiative to get libraries into the 21st century and beyond.
RDA: Are We There Yet?
Presented by Emily Dust Nimsakont
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
It’s been a long time coming, but Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new cataloging code, will be implemented by the Library of Congress next year. Are you ready? In this session, Emily Dust Nimsakont provides an update on the latest RDA-related developments and offer tips for RDA implementation.
Emily Dust Nimsakont is the Government and Information Services Librarian at the Nebraska Library Commission.
23 Things: The Next Generation
Presented by Christa Burns
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
The 23 Things concept is familiar to most of us in the library world. Some have tried it out, some have tried a version of it, some still have doubts about whether it works, and some think it’s over. Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s still going strong! Nebraska’s state-wide lifelong learning program, Nebraska Learns 2.0, started as a 16 week program in 2008-2009. The original program was so popular it has continued as an ongoing program, with one new Thing offered each month since April 2009. Starting in February 2012, a BookThing was added to the program. Program organizer Christa Burns will talk about the process the organizers have laid out over the past few years, how they’ve responded to participant feedback, and how the program became what it is today.
Christa Burns is the Special Projects Librarian, Technology & Access Services, at the Nebraska Library Commission.
Circulating Ideas: Creating a Personal Learning Network for Librarians
Presented by Steve Thomas
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
The field of librarianship is evolving at a rapidly-increasing pace, making it more important than ever to keep up with new ideas and trends. A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is one of the best ways to stay on top of new developments. Join Steve Thomas as he talks about what a PLN is and explores ways you can create and curate your own PLN to increase your professional knowledge base and connect with your peers.
Steve Thomas is an assistant branch manager at Gwinnett County Public Library just outside of Atlanta, where he has worked for almost six years.
Emerging Technologies: Tips and Strategies for Success in Libraries
Presented by Roy Cummings
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Session Materials: Webinar Recording, Slides
Emerging technologies have become an ever-present part of our academic lives. From communicating with library supporters to providing resources for distance learners, educators must think about the tools we use and how we use them. What do we use? How? Why? These are some of the questions that constantly present themselves as we wade through the pool of emerging technologies. For libraries that do not have staff dedicated to digital initiatives, deciding on which tools to use and how to effectively use them can be challenging. This session aims to provide practical insight into understanding emerging technologies and tips for identifying and implementing relevant tools and services.
Roy Cummings is a Reference Librarian at the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
Designing Vibrant Libraries: Using our Strengths to Create the Libraries of the Future
Presented by Michael Porter
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
Session Materials: Webinar Recording
Join Michael as we take a thought-provoking stroll through library history, technology evolution and our shared humanity. We’ll examine what makes libraries work at the most basic levels, and how our jobs, right now, have the potential to create a foundation for a stunningly vibrant future for libraries and the communities they serve. Come ponder concepts like need, desire, human nature, society and technology and leave more inspired about your work and your life as an information professional.
Michael Porter is the CEO of Library Renewal